
10 Best Books On Blockchain For Beginners | 2023

Best books on blockchain for beginners

Blockchain is a technology that makes use of a publicly available ledger to make transactions and records that cannot be modified. It makes use of cryptographic algorithms to generate sequences that can only be determined by the witnesses that are on the blockchain itself.

Blockchain technology is used in a lot of modern applications. It makes use of encryption protocols and several nodes to confirm each transaction.

As such, it tends to have higher levels of accuracy and is also more effective in different areas of applications. It has been successfully used in bitcoin and other various forms of cryptocurrencies and medical and healthcare applications.

The use of blockchain is intended to make it harder to break, cheat or hack into systems. Since the overall accuracy of information increases with the help of a distributed ledger to record and present the information, it has more areas of application. It can prove quite valuable in many areas of the modern world.

The use of blockchain has a lot of promise for the future of technology, and each day, new applications are being built around the technology, which has proven to be hack-proof and less prone to people that cheat the system by tampering with the integrity of information.

Information systems built around the concept of blockchain are also becoming more effective at delivering services, and they have proven to be more effective over a long time. It is essential to have more stable applications in our modern especially when you consider the increasing incidents of cyber-attacks and other incidences that have made the web less secure for everyone.

Databases built around blockchain technology are distributed across entire networks, which means that each node can look at and verify the authenticity and integrity of each bit of information on the database. This makes for more secure distributed applications that are capable of performing at scale and delivering the services that they are expected.

An understanding of blockchain technology can help you accomplish many things in the modern world. You can become a blockchain developer and work on applications for the workplace. You can also work on developing your cryptocurrency, which could potentially earn you a lot of money.

There are several resources that you can use to further your understanding of blockchain, including books, tutorials, videos, and websites on the internet. When you are dedicated to learning, you will quickly get familiar with blockchain technology and be able to accomplish more with the set of tools available to you.

Following are some valuable books on the blockchain which can help you start your learning of these concepts and dive into the technologies and concepts that have made blockchain and cryptocurrencies possible. You will also be able to develop your solutions around the same concepts and technologies once you have understood what they involve.

  1. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains by Antony Lewis

This book has been designed to enable you to understand the mechanics of bitcoin and the blockchain. Get to learn about how payments are made and how the blockchain works. There are a lot of valuable concepts to be gained from this book, and it is one of the best books for beginners.

Main Topics Covered

  • Blockchain technology and how it works
  • How the cryptocurrency market works
  • The impact of bitcoin on global business
  • Potential applications of bitcoin
  1. Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Daniel Drescher

The book is a simple introduction to the blockchain without the technical terms and complicated concepts. It is meant to bridge the gap between the technical understanding of blockchain and its business applications. It does not need the reader to have any background knowledge of blockchain, cryptography, or programming, and as such, it will appeal even to non-technical readers. There are pictures to explain all the concepts presented in the book in more detail.

Main Topics Covered

  • What blockchain is
  • Reasons for blockchain and the problems that it solves
  • Components of the blockchain
  • Working on the blockchain
  • Limitations of blockchain and how they can be overcome
  1. Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper

The 432-page read is a smooth introduction to blockchain for beginners, and you will find it quite an easy read. It takes you through the history of bitcoin and the social changes that it has managed to affect globally. The new currency has grown steadily over the years and has gained the support of many around the world. This book takes you through this growth and outlines the rise of technology from the point of view of significant industry players.

Main Topics Covered

  • History of bitcoin
  • Digital currencies
  • Applications of blockchain
  • Blockchain for businesses
  1. The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous

Bitcoin has played a role in the history of money. This book is designed to analyze the properties of bitcoin that have allowed it to rise and increase and the various implications of having a digital currency in place. By looking at the history of different monetary systems and currencies, the reader will understand the evolution of currencies and the role that technology plays in bringing different ideas together and executing them in a manner that presents advantages that were not possible before.

Main Topics Covered

  • Bitcoin
  • Technology behind bitcoin
  • Possible application areas of bitcoin
  • Challenges facing bitcoin
  1. Blockchain Revolution by Don and Alex Tapscott

Blockchain is a simple yet powerful protocol that makes it possible to make anonymous transactions through a tamper-proof public ledger of value. It also can record a lot about people, such as their health, families, and other information.

The book has been designed to give you highly researched information about blockchain and how the technology is being used in various application areas. You will also learn about this technology’s potential for the future and what is possible in the next decade.

Main Topics Covered

  • Uses of blockchain
  • The history of the blockchain protocol
  • How blockchain works
  • Application areas of blockchain
  1. The Age of Cryptocurrency by Paul Vigna and Micheal J. Casey

Bitcoin has become a trend in very little time and has gained a massive following in the little time it has existed. It can be used to make purchases on the internet, but very few people truly understand it. The book explains in great detail what you need to know about bitcoin and the different concerns that arise whenever people consider the use of cryptocurrency for making payments.

The currency being anonymous means that it has the potential for being used in illicit business and, as such, raises concerns for many people. The book looks at cryptocurrency and all you will need to know to understand how it works.

Main Topics Covered

  • The potential impact of bitcoin on economies
  • Safety of the blockchain
  • Stability of digital currencies
  • Different applications of blockchain technology

You will find it to be quite an interesting read.

  1. Blockchain Technology Explained by Alan T. Norman

Bitcoin mining has been rising in popularity over the years, with entire mining farms being established in different places worldwide. There is a rush for these technologies, and the concept of smart contracts seems to puzzle everyone. This book is designed for beginners and gives them the simplest introduction to blockchain technology and the various places it is being used. You will learn about smart contracts and the different mining technologies and technologies being used in modern blockchain networks.

Main Topics Covered

  • The problems that are solved by blockchain
  • Applications of blockchain
  • What is a block?
  • What is mining?
  • Alternatives to mining for creating a blockchain
  1. The Book Of Satoshi by Phil Champagne

The anonymous creator of Bitcoin has been a puzzle that has bothered many people for many years. It is the first cryptocurrency in the world and went online in 2009. since then, it has transformed our perception of currency and the concept of money in general. The virtual currency is based on encryption, and the identity of its creator is quite difficult to track down. This book is a collection of the important details relating to the creation of Bitcoin.

Main Topics Covered

  • Emails and posts on computer forums by Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • Fundamentals of Bitcoin explained in simple terms
  • The potential and economic implications of bitcoin
  • The seminal paper that set everything in motion.
  1. Mastering Blockchain by Imran Bashir

This is a slightly advanced book which means that beginners will need to go through simpler introductions before setting off on this complicated journey. The book has been designed with a deeper explanation of what works under the hood in blockchain and the technical aspects that power the most disruptive technology of the modern day. There is quite a lot covered in this book, and as such, you will find it to be the ideal read that is not only interesting but also detailed and gives you a better understanding of blockchain and how it works.

Main Topics Covered

  • Decentralization
  • Cryptography
  • Smart contract development
  • Distributed ledger platforms
  1. Blockchain For Beginners by Mark Watney

With this book, you will be able to understand blockchain better. You will also be able to find out how financial transactions are made and the financial systems that make them possible. There are a lot of explanations of the different technologies that make blockchain possible, and you will be able to look into the origins of blockchain technology. You will also learn about other applications of blockchain technology in addition to bitcoin and how to develop applications based on this technology.

Main Topics Covered

  • The history of blockchain
  • Technologies that are derived from blockchain
  • Applications of blockchain
  • Challenges and limitations of blockchain


Q: Is blockchain a programming language?

A: No. It is a technology that uses a public ledger to prevent tampering or modification of information.

Q: Does blockchain use encryption?

A: Yes. Blockchain technology is built around encryption and uses cryptographic keys to generate sequences.

Q: How is blockchain different from traditional database models?

A: Blockchain is distributed, and changes are gradually propagated through the entire network. Traditional database models tended to be transaction-based, and as such, they were easy to modify without informing the other players or participants.

Q: Can you hack blockchain?

A: It is very unlikely that anyone would want to hack the blockchain. It has high-security standards, and the fact that it is built around encryption means that it is secure and safe for use. However, this is not a deterrent to hackers who keep trying even when they fail to succeed.

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